Packages Available
Camp Manitou has several options for groups joining us:
#1 Day Group
Come for a whole day or half day. Let us provide programming for you, or provide your own, or a combination of both. Meals can be provided by Camp Manitou at an additional cost.
#2 Site Rental
Participants stay on site, provide their own food and all programming and have access to select recreation buildings, kitchen and green space.
#3 All-Inclusive Rental
Participants stay on site, all meals are provided, and activities on site are facilitated and supervised by our qualified team of Camp Manitou Staff.
#4 Combination
Includes your own programming with both Camp Manitou staff-led activities and meals as additional options.
To Book a Group, please go to the Rental Options page, find the appropriate type of booking and click the button that corresponds to your booking type.
Please note that if you want an “Exclusive” booking there is additional cost. Please contact Camp Manitou staff for more information.
Contact us if you have any questions or need information not provided on the booking form. Phone: 204-837-4508 or Email:
Camp Manitou Group Camperships
Apply for a Camp Subsidy
All of Camp Manitou’s camperships are made possible through grants and donations. As such, the number of camperships available are dependent on our funding and can vary from year to year.
Subsidy applications can be requested by contacting the Camp Manitou office: